Commentary on Daily Life

Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's HERE!

My package has arrived! If you are wondering what the package is, I am talking about my invitations to my graduation party.

This time of year is when the major Graduation companies come out in full force and get all kinds of students to pay for Graduation announcements or invitations or thank you cards. My mom led me to and that's where I browsed all of the styles of the invitations. The great thing about this site is that you can customize that invite or announcement to suit you. I wanted to add pictures to my invitations rather than the embossed seal of the school.

Because I have not mailed them out yet, I cannot let you see how great they turned out. But I can let you see the beautiful box it came in. LOVELY!

I recommend this company to all who want to personalize announcements of any kind.

Love Peace and Chicken Grease! -J

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Graduation Season

As you may know, I will be graduating ('walking') in June. Yesterday, I went back to Riverside to buy my cap and gown and all of those things. After the purchases, it hit me...this is really happening. It was bittersweet. I am ready to get out of UC Riverside, but I have made a huge amount of friends that I am sad to leave. *sigh* I hope, as years go on, that I maintain contact with as many of them as possible (you know who you are). In a conversation with my best friend yesterday, he said that he wanted to make leis for his friends that are graduating. I am stealing his idea and I am going to make leis as well. Hahaa. He's gonna hate me, but I can do whatever I want. Lol. He'll have to suck it up (love you, babe). Love peace and chicken grease.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Seriously...I am making it stick this time

You're asking yourself "What is she talking about?" I'm talking about exercise. In September of 2011, I embarked on a journey to go to the gym every other day. It worked for me. I was there every other day until school let out for Winter Break. When January rolled around, I made that same commitment in January. Unfortunately, it didn't stick as well. I really had no excuse not to go to the gym or get some kind of exercise...I only had class Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Needless to say, there should have been no excuse but I kept telling myself that school was more important. That's a lame excuse. I know. But I was very serious about my choice. It was my last quarter and I needed to focus on my time-consuming classes (really, any class is time-consuming). As of May 1, I am vowing to be on a better track to a better weight and a better me. My current weight is 219.8. Last summer I weighed 236. So, I do see improvement. By no means do I feel like I was last summer but I still want to be at a better weight and be more active without tiring out. Mind you, I am a bit more active than some of my thinner friends, but I want to be physically better. My first task is to get my heart rate and breathing on track. I'm not terribly interested in weight loss at this point. But I want to be thinner by my graduation in June. That's my second goal. I am starting a new chapter in my life and I am beginning that chapter starting now. Besides, I think I am going to Costa Rica in August/September and I want to be better. With this carton of coconut water, I am cheering to a better and healthier me.