Commentary on Daily Life

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cats or Dogs?

Right now?
Cats. They're very independent.
Dogs. They're cuddly.

I will answer just about anything

If you could only listen to one song for the next month, which would it be?

Oh man! I usually go on binges like this too.
Okay..."Love Is My Disease" by Alicia Keys (who is pregnant, by the way...with Swizz Beatz baby! Wtf? He's not even cute!)

I will answer just about anything

What was your favorite TV show as a child?

There were many!
1. Power Rangers
2. Family Matters
3. Blossom
4. Animaniacs
5. X-Men

I will answer just about anything

What's one thing you own that you should probably throw away, but never will?

Prom dresses! I have only worn them once and have not been to any formal engagements since then.

I will answer just about anything

What's the nicest thing someone's ever done for you?

Hmm...that's tough. I don't even think I can answer that...
Paid for my cruise to Mexico.

I will answer just about anything

If you could write your own character for you to play, what would that character be like?

An emotional character with a little bit of humor thrown in. I've always wanted to play someone who just goes plain crazy!

I will answer just about anything

Friday, June 4, 2010

If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choose?

Hmm...My senior year of High School. 2002-2003 was a great year for me. I had so much going on, but I loved it!

I will answer just about anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?

No. Too much stress and I don't have solutions to the problems that are plagueing the U.S.

I will answer just about anything

What YouTube video made you laugh recently?

A male parody of "If I Were A Boy" (affectionately titled "If I Were A Girl")

I will answer just about anything

Who's the most overrated athlete?

LeBron James. His attitude makes him so ugly and I have no respect for his mother. Gross.

I will answer just about anything

What was the worst job you've ever had?

Seeing as I've only worked 2 places ever in my life, I would have to say Alexanders Mobility Services, though the only good part was that I got paid to basically listen to my ipod.

I will answer just about anything

Thursday, June 3, 2010

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

DREAMGIRLS! *such an easy question*

I will answer just about anything

What do you think is the best way to defeat terrorism?

Let a woman run the country and she'll use her power of discussing feelings to make it go away.

I will answer just about anything

Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?

Small...I mean, Coffee Bean is pretty small compared to the competition, and I wouldn't trade my job (unless I working at a high school or a theater)

I will answer just about anything

Would you rather get up early or sleep late?

Get up early. If I sleep too long, I feel like my day has been wasted and I have done nothing at all. Unless I have had an insane amount of alcohol the night before, then I'll sleep late.

I will answer just about anything

What website do you spend the most time on?

That's pretty easy...Facebook. It's the one place I can keep in contact with people and I can find out about the current events since I can't read the newspaper anymore! I wish I had more morning free time like I used to in Irvine...

I will answer just about anything

If you could switch places with anyone in your family for one week, who would it be and why?

I would switch places with my cousin Angel to figure what goes on in her mind...NO! I take that back. I'd switch with my aunt LaTanya. She works for Boeing and gets to travel the world ALONE! She's been to Nassau, Italy, Australia, and Fiji (that I know of) all by herself because she had the money and she was bored. Why she couldn't take her neice, is beyond me!

I will answer just about anything

How long have you been singing? What's your favorite song to sing? Have you been trained through classes or are you naturally amazing?

I have been singing since I was 5. My mom discovered me singing when were cleaning the house and she couldn't believe that I could sing so she turned down the music I was singing to in the house and made me sing along.

Oh favorite song? That's too hard. I sing so many songs that make me happy to sing. I would have to say "Your Daddy's Son" from the musical RAGTIME.

I have never had any formal singing lessons. I just learn it from listening and practicing on my own all the time. Experimenting with what my limits are. I am just naturally amazing. Lol.

I will answer just about anything

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Attention Ladies

I was talking to my roommate about a book that I had seen everywhere. I knew it was destiny for me to read it. I bought the book on a trip to KMart with my other roommate when we had nothing to do one day after class. I was excited to read it, but of course, being a student, took over my life. I finally had the time to crack it open today after I successfully completed 2 of 4 finals.

Last week, I went to see SEX AND THE CITY 2 with a couple of my ladies and guess what preview showed up on the screen? EAT, PRAY, LOVE with JULIA ROBERTS! So, of course I immediately jumped on the chance to read the book and what better way to start my traditional "Summer of Reading" than a feel good book about self-discovery.

I read the first section of the book about Italy and fell in love. Now I want to personally experience what Elizabeth Gilbert did. All of the descriptions of the food made me want to indulge completely and numbingly into great Italian creations and not have to worry about the consequences of my waist band.

To Elizabeth Gilbert, thank you for sharing your story because I feel like now I can fully share mine with no remorse. There are things about me that need to change and through your work, I can attack it in my own way. While I don't have money to spend a year in 3 different places, I can take the time to remove myself from the world and focus on me.

Ladies, I suggest every woman read this book. It's a great read but also leads to discovery of yourself.

I will answer just about anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything