Commentary on Daily Life

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book Buying Ban - Revisited

So remember my last entry that said I was going to embark on a book-buying ban? Yeah, well I haven't purchased any books since then...especially since I don't have any money. To fill you in on the progress of the books I am 'slated' to have finished this summer, I have not completed 1 single book. O M GEEZ! Why is it that I have not completed a single book, you ask? Because it's summer! I remember years ago when I would do absolutely nothing during the summer and at least 2 times a week I am out doing things with friends. However, in my free time I am usually reading because I don't really watch tv. I save all of my tv watching for when school starts. Half of the time, my laptop does not even come on. This is the first it's been on in 4 days! I usually watch youtube and that's all I really do. I also keep up with blogs as much as I can (though not my own).

As usual, I am stressing about money yet again as I have to pay rent September 1 for my apartment back at school. I have a summer job, but they don't pay me nearly as much as my store in Riverside. I am basically poor and can't buy clothes or shoes or anything! What kind of life do I lead, really? A life of boredom. Hahaa, it's not boring at all. I love my life. If only others could love their own and quit being so negative. But that's a whole 'nother entry. I'll save that for a night when I am not falling asleep at the keys.

*yawn* *stretch*

Alright. That's my cue from my bed.
Goodnight. I'll hit you up soon (hopefully). At least I'm not promising anything...