Commentary on Daily Life

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Proper Hair Care

Since I just did my hair on Saturday in my standard set of 2-strand twists, I have noticed that my hair is extremely heat damaged! I have been nursing the front left side of my hair to its original curly state (when I was a little 6th grader). I remember the braids that I used to have and I miss that texture of my hair even though I don't necessarily miss the huge braids all over my head.

Even after all of these years, I can say that I am glad that my mom never ever relaxed my hair. I have been natural for all my life (thank goodness) but for the sake of versatility and acting roles, my hair is easier to tame in a straightened state. I am making the transition back to my natural hair state, but it is difficult. I have so much trouble trying to figure out how to style it. To be honest, I first started going back to natural for ease of my daily routine. School and work and shows were taking over my life from October 2009-June 2010.

I have been watching youtube videos since the dawn of time on natural hair trying to get the looks in the videos and maintaining the volume and length and care of my natural hair. Even though I did my hair on Saturday (and today's Thursday), it's already flaky and itchy and it might be because of the shampoo.

Now getting on to shampoo. Because I was watching all of the videos on natural hair on youtube, I have been hearing so much about sulfate shampoos and the harm they cause. Me being the investigative person that I am, I went to do some research on the wide-encompassing internet. I learned that sulfate shampoos cause quite a bit of harm to your hair. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (or SLS as it is abbreviated) is used frequently in consumer products and is harsh enough to degrease car engines and clean oil. It's salt (SODIUM) which draws out moisture from everything, including the natural oils on our scalp that protects our hair follicles and causes split ends. We are putting that in our hair! I don't even want to know what kind of damage it's doing to my scalp (well, the dryness is prime example of the damage). It's close relative is Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES).

After I use the rest of my Mane 'n' Tail (yes, you read was originally meant for horses, but is in black beauty supply stores...besides, I'd like to think that it helps my hair grow, which it has to an extent), I will be switching to another shampoo and conditioner that is sulfate-free. It's going to be an experiment for me. I have quite some time before the Mane 'N' Tail is gone. If it turns out that I don't like the sulfate-free shampoo, I will be switching back to my Mane 'n' Tail. Hopefully not.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fruit is magical

Can I just say that fruit is the root of all things wonderful in this world? Well, it is! If you didn't know, get on the train cause it's leaving!

My family has decided that Sunday is our day to go to Sprouts Market and get much of it as we can. Last Sunday, as an accident, we went to Sprouts to get fruit because we forgot to get it when we were at Costco. We bought lots of fruit for around $20. This time, we spent about $30 and got apples, plums, nectarines, pears, 2 cantaloupe, 2 yellow melon with orange flesh, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries (I think that's it).

Anyway, I stood in the kitchen and melon-balled every single melon. It took a long time, but that means that in a rush we can grab a bag and run out of the door. I had so much fruit last week that I am surprised I didn't turn into a fruit salad! The most fruit I had in one day was banana, peach, apple, watermelon and cantaloupe all in about 30 minutes as I walked to work. It was pretty crazy. I got to work and I was full and satisfied, but not completely overwhelmed by food like I sometimes feel when I eat meat. I'm not saying that I don't like eating meat, but I like a light lunch that's going to hold me up, not drag me under the espresso machine or sitting on the floor in front of the refrigerator, yearning for the floor mat to be my comfy pillowtop mattress at home. I like the energy the fruit gave me because it didn't require a fork and knife which meant that I could eat it with ease.

Suggestion: Take the time to melon-ball/seperate the fruit into ziploc baggies while you have the chance instead of trying to seperate everything at one time in the morning when you have other things to do. I know that I'm usually running around because there's something I forgot to clean, I have to brush my hair, etc.

I just wanted to leave those tips with you. If you would like, I'll give you more Jasmine-isms and things that I've learned in my 25 years of life.

Quick question: Have you ever forgiven someone you felt you shouldn't have?

Much love, peace and happiness!

P.S. Pictures of the food from the tapas party on Saturday night will be up soon. No one came to it, so it was just the family.

A lot of people struggle with forgiveness of others who have done them wrong. Have you ever forgiven someone who rightfully deserves never to be talked to? What is forgiveness to you?

A lot of people struggle with forgiveness of others who have done them wrong. Have you ever forgiven someone who rightfully deserves never to be talked to? What is forgiveness to you?

Answer here

Monday, August 9, 2010

Give me your tired and irritated

Happy Monday night/Tuesday morning everyone!

I am not here to complain, but to comment.

Coffee shops breed very intimate conversations (this has nothing to do with what I am really here to discuss, but it came to mind).

Anyway, I must have a sign plastered to my head that says "I trust Jasmine. I trust her opinion." I was at work today and a co-worker of mine asked me my opinion on an issue he was having with a band member who happens to be his best friend. To make a long story short, his best friend thinks that he is entitled to make his opinions known but if the feelings are reciprocated, the tables don't turn as easily as it should. This band-member frustration is not the first I've ever heard of this type of inner turmoil. Believe it or not, another friend of mine came to me about his best-friend-turned-band-mate drama over a couple of Hefeweizens at The Auld Dubliner. I offered my advice and told him to confront his friend about whatever was going on instead of keeping it bottled in.

The point of this story is to say that I have been the one person in many persons' lives that have been a constant head and shoulder to leave the drama on. There are many people I know who will call me up after not hearing from them for awhile to say "Jasmine, can I ask you something?" or "Hey, what do you think of this situation?" I can truly appreciate the title and the fact that they trust me enough to rely on me with the problems. I'm not saying that only members of bands lean on me, but others too. I like the fact that people can trust me enough to help them out. I haven't lived a long time and I can't say that I'm wise beyond my years (though some people would say so), but I am trustworthy and what I have seen is a lot.

Although I am this trustworthy person and open vessel, I wonder if I can truly say that there is a person I can call up and say "Hey, can I ask your opinion on this?" and get a barrage of facts and just common sense I don't think that I'm there yet. Maybe it's because I have enough common sense to know when things aren't right and who's in the wrong. But sometimes, I want to just call up someone and say "I don't get this" because I want to feel that connection with someone like people feel with me. I want to feel that extreme amount of trust (not to say that I don't trust people, but just go with me) and just let it all out when I'm feeling lost and irritated. Instead, I go home and tell my mom. So, I guess she would be my most trustworthy person.

So, I'm asking you.
Who do you trust? Whose mind can you unload all your inner thoughts and troubles on?

Much love, peace and happiness!

Currently rotating:
"Everything Scatter" from FELA! [Original Broadway Cast Recording]
"Bionic" by Christina Aguilera from the album BIONIC
"Hosanna" by Soweto Gospel Choir from the album AFRICAN SPIRIT

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I appreciate the gesture, but...

So, I just have to comment on the events of this morning on my way to work.

As most of you know, I work at a coffee shop and I don't have a car (but I'm working on it, BELIEVE ME), so I walk to work. Look, I love my ipod. I have affectionately named it Musicology: Reborn after the first ipod that got full. Anyway, I was walking to work and listening to a podcast called Broadway Bullet (go figure!). When I have my earbuds in, I hate getting interrupted. Back to my peaceful suburban stroll: I am enjoying the sights of green grass and blue sky and the sounds of conversation on my ipod when a navy blue Honda pulls up to the curb and stops. I barely glance through my Burberry sunglasses and see the window rolled down. I thought it was some black guy trying to holler at me (it wouldn't be the first time that it's happened to me in Irvine, of all places) and in fact it was a black woman. She leaned over the console and asked where I was heading. I politely told her that I was just heading up the street and she asked if I was sure and I politely said again (in my proper white-girl voice) that I was sure. She said okay and drove off.

I was shocked that this black woman would drive by and ask me this. I didn't even know her. I don't know what it is about black people living in suburbs. For example, anytime I go to Albertson's and there's a black person in there at the same time, they seem to break their neck to come around the store and say hi. I sometimes feel like they follow me. I know that it's a mutual connection that they feel but they don't always have to feel like they need to go out of their way to say hi. I just want to say, where were all the black people when I was growing up? Now that I am an adult, I have been seeing more and more black people in Irvine. I'm not complaining by any means, but it's just that it's awkward when all you know are the other races around you.

It's funny that I complained about there not being any black people around when I was younger. And at that time, I didn't have any black friends because I felt like I connected with everyone else who was familiar with my upbringing. Now that I am in college, I have many more friends of color than I ever thought I would (no offense to the ones I have, but you just have to understand where I'm coming from). The only black people I ever knew growing up was my family. They don't count. I had a few black friends but the ones I had met judged me from so far away that I felt uncomfortable and just belittled for being a suburbanite. One time, I went to my cousin's graduation barbecue and I was introduced to some of her closest friends. One girl shook my hand and said these exact words: You're not from around here, are you? I mean, am I that obvious? Do I stick out like a sore thumb? I'm black just like all the other black people in the world. Yes, I carry myself in a different manner but it's not just where I was brought up but also who brought me up. It's my mother's doing.

Basically what I am trying to say is that I appreciate the gesture that my "people" make toward me, but it gets in the way of truly appreciating you for what you are. To my college "people", thank you for transforming my views. Before college, I thought that all black people would walk by me and immediately see the word "suburbanite" or "Irvine-ite" tattooed across my forehead and assume the worst of me. I am not innocent in thinking that black people would look at me the wrong way and want to take me out (that's my suburban-upbringing). I am thankful that God has put such wonderful people in my life to help me see that I was ignorant in my own way of thinking. I love my "people" and will continue to cherish the friendships they bring me each and every day.

Much love, peace and happiness!

Name 5 of your favorite songs to sing (Musicals or otherwise).

Name 5 of your favorite songs to sing (Musicals or otherwise).

Answer here

Monday, August 2, 2010

Creativity is key

I have been gone for some time due to a job I have now!


At the time of the last post, I was jobless (but just basically waiting on my real job to hurry up with the processing of paperwork). Now, I am happily working 5 days a week and trying to make that "paper" that I can't really spend anyway (see last post: RENT). Being the naturally creative person that I am, I have found that this summer is leading me to do creative things that I don't normally do on a regular basis. Because I didn't have money and don't technically have any still, I was forced to come up with things to do to entertain myself. I was bored one day last quarter and started watching makeup tutorials on youtube. So, I decided to kill some time without spending money and began playing in my makeup and coming up with pretty cool makeup looks, only using half of my face. And I have even started killing time (and my boredom) by polishing the nails that I'm not supposed to have polished because I work at a coffee shop (toes are okay to polish though). I am even working on youtube videos of me singing and dancing and edit them using Microsoft Movie Maker. I have no complaints about wanting to kill time because it makes the summer pass with creativity!

So here are some of the pictures of my experiments with makeup.

I don't have a name for this look, but I really liked it and hopefully I can mimic it someday.

I call this look Toucan Sam. The colors didn't come out like I wanted them to on the camera, but I love the islandy-tropical look. Very cute.

I am suggesting to everyone right now that if you find yourself bored, do something to pass the time and be creative with it. By creating little art projects or things, you get to actually keep your mind active instead of mindlessly watching television (which I know I am guilty of).

Until next time,
Love, peace and happiness!

By the way, shout out to my mom Adrienne and aunt Adrianna. Today is officially their birthday! Love you!